Campus Student
Cirrus Academy Charter
Wednesday 07/22/2020
Cirrus Academy COVID – 19
Parent FAQ
1. What is a learning support coach?
The learning support coach is an adult that supervises the students during school hours. Their responsibility is
to ensure the student logs into their device for classes and ensures the assignments are complete.
2. What if my child is not cut out for virtual learning?
CACS staff is committed to ensuring all students experience success whether virtual or in person. We are asking
that if you signed up for e-learning, the student commits to 9 weeks of eLearning.
3. Can I opt out of my child is doing poorly academically?
Poor performance could be an indication of a few things. Teachers and administration will access student
academic performance along with other factors to determine if the child will be placed in the traditional learning environment.
4. What if my student has an IEP?
Students with Individualized Learning Plans will be serviced according to their IEP. Meetings will be conducted
virtually. If person meetings are necessary, social distance protocols will be in place.
5. How will parent meetings be conducted?
Parent/ Teacher/Student conferences will be conducted virtually.
6. Can my child be denied acceptance into the virtual learning academy?
Yes. Cirrus Academy has the authority to deny acceptance into the virtual learning academy.
7. If I would like to change from traditional to eLearning, what would be the process if school has already started?
Students must commit to eLearning for the first 9 weeks of school. An opt-out survey will be sent towards the end of the 9-week semester. At this time, you may opt out of the virtual academy.
8. Will a teacher be online with the student?
Students will have live lessons daily, at this time they will be live with a Cirrus Academy teacher who will teach a lesson, answer questions, and facilitate the learning environment.
9. Will the students have access to Chromebook?
Students who do not have access to a device may check out a device from the school. A limited number of Chromebooks will be available for checkout. Parents should exhaust all eligible devices in the home before
checking out a Chromebook from Cirrus Academy.
10. Will the school still have sports?
Cirrus Academy is following the Georgia High School Association
policies and guidelines regarding athletics. At this time, all large gatherings
have been suspended. CACS will provide updates regarding sports.
11. Could you explain the social distance procedures? How many students will be in
a class?
Cirrus Academy building facilities allow for a ratio of about 15 students to one class, following social distance protocols. Signage will be placed around the building to ensure flow paths and “Stop the Spread” signage
will be in the buildings. Ongoing trainings for students, staff and parents will be conducted.
12. Will there be a system in place where the classrooms are cleaned after each use?
High touch areas will be sanitized frequently throughout the day
and students and staff will participate in E-learning on Fridays so the school
can be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
13. How will unsanitary restrooms be addressed?
Restrooms will be sanitized frequently. Social distance protocols allow for one student to utilize the restroom at a
time. Students will wear masks during transitions in which they cannot socially distance. Proper Handwashing will be taught and enforced.